Adding a Simple Choice
To create a simple choice, you must have dialogue to start it off, either the narrator or one of your characters can say something.
This is how a simple 3-option choice looks like:
What is your favorite color?
"Blue" {
} "Green" {
} "Red" {
To set a choice, you have to add the word "choice".
Your first option will be right after the word choice, on the same line or on the very next line.
choice "Option here" {
"Option here" {
Do not skip an entire line between choice and the first option (example below) or you will get an error message:
"Option here" {
All option names must be inside of quotation marks.
To begin the option, add a starting curly bracket { immediately after on the same line.
To end the option, add an ending bracket } on a new and separate line.
The second option (and third and so on) will need to be on the same line as the last end bracket or on the very next line.
} "Option 2 here" {
"Option 2 here" {
Do not skip an entire line between the end brackert and the next option (example below) or you will get an error message:
"Option 2 here" {
You must always remember that every starting bracket needs to have a matching end bracket! Always close off your choices with an end bracket, otherwise you will get an error message about a missing bracket.
The outcome of the option will go inside of the brackets.
Here is an example full choice:
DARA (talk_holdfist_happy_loop)
What do you like to do for fun?
"Play video games!" {
FRIEND (talk_excited_happy)
I love playing video games!
DARA (talk_smile_happy_loop)
That's cool! I also play video games from time to time.
} "Go to the beach!" {
FRIEND (talk_excited_happy)
I love surfing at the beach!
DARA (talk_smile_happy_loop)
Oh, awesome! I've always wanted to learn how to surf!
} "Hiking!" {
FRIEND (talk_excited_happy)
I love hiking and nature walks!
DARA (talk_smile_happy_loop)
Me too! I love the fresh air!